World Internet in this time have become the part of life style of world society, do not aside from Indonesia society. Even for some people, illusory jagad [is] which is one this is not locked out of by a everyday activity. Not to mention accessing nya watered down with the existence of infrastructure support of computer network which can be spelled out members adequate, is good the than government and also from some later society element emerge the new term trend of berlanganan internet of[is so-called with the term of RT-RW net. One other can be related to by a amenity access this internet is can koneksi internet only by using merger two electronic peripheral, that is laptop and phone the seluler ( handphone), whereabout both representing peripheral make a move the ( mobile gadget). With the have stock to this two peripheral, people have earned the illusory menjelejahi jagad when even also and whereabout even also he/she will. So, This Article study to hit how to [do/conduct] the this two peripheral configuraton till able to do/conduct the koneksi internet. This configuraton also can be done/conducted at computer of desktop rumahan, so that koneksi internet also can be done/conducted in house of according to requirement without having to monthly subscription. This article is limited with the configuraton use the card of GSM prabayar of type IM3 own the Indosat
As for hardware requirement so that/ to be earning incircuit internet is
1. Laptop / computer multimedia which is there are extension port with the peripheral handphone, can in the form of port USB ( if handphone owned provided with by the cable of data USB), infra red, or bluetooth
2. Handphone ( HP) provided with the " peripheral koneksi, like data cable, infra red or bluetooth ( for the peripheral of this koneksi each is replacing each other, equally, select;choose just one " modem GPRS.
So, if hardware requirement condition above have been fullfiled, we start by setting is modem. Setting Modem to access the internet via GPRS of card of GSM IM3 can be spelled out members relative easy to. Easy for accustomed to world of computer and network, but will be felt hard for new first time try. But don't worry, this article is I address for the people of most civil even if
Before doing/conducting what written [in] this article, is assumed by extension GPRS in handphone have active. cause of this Settingan extension GPRS different each other to each;every type handphone. For a few type handphone, this extension[is active automatically so active card IM3. If not yet active, You can read the reference book ( manual) from Your handphone or take counsel with the costumer service Indosat ( contact the number 300 or come direct to galeri Indosat).
Assumption GPRS in Your card IM3 have active, to make handphone as its modem dialup steps as follows 1. Connecting handphone by laptop / computer.
Connecting handphone and computer use the data cable, infrared, or bluetooth. In this case is I connect the handphone Nokia 6230i by laptop 2. Install of wafting Application from Your handphone, like PC Suite own the Nokia or Sony Ericsson.
Install PC Suite [in] laptop or computer which will be attributed to [by] handphone. If/When having no the software can download in ( for the type of Nokia). this PC Suite support immeasurable of type koneksi: data cable, bluetooth, infrared, dll.
3. Check the Modem ( whether/what have terinstal).
Step hereinafter setting modem dial-up. If PC Suite have your terinstal and handphone have been detected better by PC Suite mean the modem earn the us setting. Way of checked whether/what handphone have terdekteksi is by
right click of ikon †My Computer Â" properties Â" tab †hardware Â" device manager. Check in shares †modems†whether/what have there are: †Nokia 6230i USB Modemâ€. Check the performance modem [of] whether/what working better, by right click †Nokia 6230i USB Modem Â" properties, [in] shares †diagnostics†depress the knob †query modemâ€. Diagnostic will take place a few moments, its result is we can see in the column
If modem not yet been detected to by try the cable cheque, or install software PC Suitenya again, or read the reference book handphone 4. Setting of Number dial, user name and password.
If modem GPRS have been detected the, next step is setting of number dial, user name and password. this three Component is needed to by men-dial internet via server Indosat.
For the card of this IM3,
o of number dial: * 99#
o user name: gprs
o password: im3
For the mensettingnya of
click the knob Start Â" All Programs Â" Accessories Â" Communications Â" “ New Connection Wizards
Will emerge the appearance “ New Connection Wizards â€. Click the Next Â" select;choose the “ Connect To the Internet Â" Next Â" select;choose “ Set the up my connection manually Â" Next Â" select;choose the “ Connect Using a dialup modem Â" Next Â" select;choose the “ Nokia 6230i USB Modem Â" Next Â" ( can be filled anything, up to you Â" Next Â" including number dialnya Â" Next Â" including user name and paswordnya Â" Next Â" centang “ Add A shortcut to this connection to my desktop†( if/when wishing to make shortcut in desktop Â" Finish. Setting finish
If above stages;steps have been run, click twice shortcut dial-up [in] mentioned desktop. Process the dial walk the, Opening Port… Baffle * 99#… Verifiying User name and password..Registering your computer to the network… Autenthicated
If/When succeeding jointed hence will emerge the picture monitor in systray beside Your computer clock indicator. Congratulation berselancar!
At condition and certain type handphone sometime emerge the message error at the (time) of doing/conducting process dial. In the following is message error that happened and way of handling it
- error 734: The Ppp link control protocol has terminated
If this happened, You not yet can koneksi to network. This matter [is] happened by because us not yet enhanced the parameter to modem. Enhancing line govern the: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP", "". Its way, right click of My Computer Â" properties Â" tab †Hardware Â" Device Manager Â" Modems Â" Nokia 6230i USB Modem. right click Â" properties Â" in shares Advanced - Extra Settings, including line govern there Â" O.K.. Try the dial again.
- error 687: The Remote computer did of note respond.
If this happened, restart Your handphone and/or install repeat the PC Suite [in] Your computer. Ascertaining to use the newest PC Suite version - error 797: A Connection to the remote computer could of note of be established because the modem was of note of found or was busy.
If this happened, meaning there is problem by koneksi is Your modem. Try to abstract cable.
by. Farid_Borneo